Playing Catch-Up for Friends and Family

We haven’t updated the site with pictures of Quinn in quite some time, so we’re playing catch-up now.  Here are some pictures of the little guy coming home from the hospital, professional pictures taken by his Aunt Gloria, his first Thanksgiving and Christmas, and many from in between these events.

Quinn’s big adventure begins by coming home from the hospital.  The receiving blanket was hand made by his Great Aunt Myra Jean Hurst.

2014-11-19 13.20.14
2014-11-19 13.20.14
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Aunt Gloria took some great pictures.

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He was excited and had to wear a turkey suit for Turkey Day.

2014-11-27 12.37.59
2014-11-27 12.37.59
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He almost slept through his first Christmas.

2014-12-25 08.34.11
2014-12-25 08.34.11
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And here’s a bunch of pictures that we’ve since November 17th, 2014.

2014-11-20 16.15.16
2014-11-20 16.15.16
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Quinn’s Birthday

Quinn decided to say, “Hello!” a few weeks early.  He was born at 11:39 AM on November 17, 2014.  He weighed 6 pounds and 9 ounces and was 21″ tall.

He's out!
He's out!
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